The credence table at Mass

Liturgical Ministries


The Eucharist is the "source and summit" of our Catholic Christian life. The Liturgical Ministries at St. Theresa's play an essential role in keeping the dignity of the Holy Eucharist, whether it is decorating the altar for Sunday Mass, preaching the Word of God, or bringing the Eucharist to the sick and homebound.


Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest at Mass. They take part in carrying the cross or candles in procession, hold the book for the presider's prayers, assist with setting and removing things to and from the altar table, and serve as role models for participation in the Mass.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild Ministry cares for the linens, vestments and altar. They are also responsible for coordinating the altar cloth with the liturgical calendar, decorating the church for Christmas, Easter and special occasions, ensure that candles, Holy water, altar wine, among other materials are in generous supply. They also weekly wash and iron linens used, check if vestments need cleaning, and clean the sanctuary every week.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
They serve the Eucharistic life of the community by assisting the priest and deacon with the distribution of the Holy Communion during the Mass.

Ministers of the Word (i.e. Lectors)
The role of the parish Lector is integral to the celebration of the Eucharist. The Lector serves the liturgical assembly by proclaiming the Word of God at all weekend and weekday Masses. They lead the Prayer of the Faithful in the absence of the deacon. The competent exercise of this role enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it more readily. 

Ministers of the Sick
Ministers of the Sick visit the ill, infirm or elderly parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. They are also tasked with the sacred ministry of bringing the Eucharist to the housebound, bringing the love of Christ to the sick and infirm. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to arrange a visit from one of our Ministers of the Sick.

Eucharistic Adoration
This ministry ensures that Eucharistic Adoration is carried out with the most dignity and love befitting our Eucharistic Lord. They are responsible for ensuring that an adorer is always present during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, adoring and honouring the Eucharistic presence of Our Lord.

Music Ministry
Our parish choirs coordinate all of the music and song at Mass, other liturgical celebrations, and special Church events. Are you called to give your gift of voice to the Lord? Interested parishioners are invited to audition for the choir.

As of January 2022, our parish has three choirs:

  • 5 PM Choir
  • 10 AM Choir
  • 12 PM Choir
A picture of people linking forearms
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